Amukan si AM dan gerun hati.


Assalamualaikum. Lama rasanya tak update blog. Last entry tarikhnya bila? K, 5 Oktober. Nasib baik bulan ni jugak kannn x] I don't why, tapi aku rasa sepanjang tahun ni sangatlah busy mengalahkan menteri. Not only me, the whole school including administrators, teachers, social workers and students! Asyik ada program je, mana tak busy. Boleh kira berapa hari aku balik awal (which is pukul 3 petang) tahun ni.

And now, tengah dilanda exam yang semakin hari semakin ditunda sehingga hari terakhir exam kiteorang tu jadi hari terakhir Form 5 sebelum SPM. Aku tak faham kenapa kena tunda, tapi bagus jugaklah kan, boleh study....sedikit sebanyak. Even though taklah terlalu study, but taklah rushing sangat nak study itu ini. So minggu 'cuti exam' ni kena study lebih sikit. Sebab nanti Raya Haji confirm tak study dah -.-

So semalam semua stres pasal paper two Add Maths or scientific name is Additional Mathematics or Matematik Tambahan. Paper One semua orang macam, "Boleh jawab, can do this, can can can can canimal," but bila masuk paper two, "Boleh jawab, bol...bola bola api apasal titik perpuluhan bagai nak rak ni?!" dan mulai stres. Yep, that's us. After habis paper two, semua orang lapar. Ada yang menangis bagai sebab tak dapat jawab.

Balik tu penuh di timeline Twitter duk mengutup si Add Maths tu -_- Habis tu, soalan tak pernah tengok pun! Yalah, cikgu tuisyen aku ada cakap, Add Maths ni dia akan putar putar soalan, tapi kali ni soalan dah putar sampai tak tahu pun soalan tu dalam silibus mana. So kiteorang pun redha jelah, nak retake the exam memang tak ah. Kesian pulak JPNT nak buat soalan lagi lol * lagi naya kalau soalan makin susah ahaks *


While others were depressing over Add Maths, I got really offended over something. School ended just after Zohor yesterday due to cikgu ada jamuan dekat Matahari (which I don't know where that is). So I told my dad to fetch me at 2pm. So he did. Shortly before that, someone told me that there would be a meeting on 2.15pm. And most people knew before me, and not at 1.45pm!

So I didn't go to the meeting and went back home because logically I wasn't going to call my dad and tell him not to fetch me while he was already at the school. K.

All the emotional part has been deleted for good's sake thanks


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