
I feel like some people claim that they're not robots, but they are.

In PASUM, people surrounding me are constantly studying.

Our first class usually starts at eight and the last one will end at five in the evening, with an hour break during noon.

So here's a summary of what PASUM students do as a daily routine.

Waking up for Subuh.
Solat, mandi.
Study before heading to lecture hall.
Looking at notes on the way to the lecture hall.
While waiting for lecturers to arrive, still looking at notes.
Lectures or tutorials or lab.
Break hour - study while eating and solat Zohor.
Back to lecture hall. Looking at notes.
Lectures or tutorials or lab.
Five pm - heading back to college.
Buying food at the cafe.
Mandi, solat Asar, makan.
Study until Maghrib.
Solat Maghrib.
Solat Isya'.
1am - sleep.

Waking up for sahur.
Tidur kejap sampai azan Subuh.
Solat, mandi.
Study before heading to lecture hall.
Looking at notes on the way to the lecture hall.
While waiting for lecturers to arrive, still looking at notes.
Lectures or tutorials or lab.
Break hour - study and solat Zohor.
Back to lecture hall. Looking at notes.
Lectures or tutorials or lab.
Five pm - heading back to college.
Buying food at the cafe.
Mandi, solat Asar.
Study until Maghrib.
Bukak puasa.
Solat Maghrib.
Solat Isya' & terawih.
12am - sleep.

I don't do this, I just can't. My brain needs rest, my body needs rest, but others? Seriously if I do this, I'd go crazy. And by saying "I don't do this", I still do most of the things, except studying around 6.30pm to 8.00pm or eyeing notes while walking to the lecture hall. And I sleep before 12am, because I'd need my head during the lectures and classes the next day. Weekends?


Celik celik bukak buku, tidur pun kalau boleh nak dengan buku. Aku? Aku akan rehat half an hour before and after each waktu solat, except for Maghrib. Aku tak study Maghrib. Usually pukul 6pm tu memang dah tak kat meja study. It defies my life principle since high school.

Ops, this routine sebenarnya routine orang yang around me je. Don't know about people from another KK. Tapi aku macam stres sikit ah tengok diorang duk study memanjang sebab aku ni bukan jenis kaki study sampai tak cukup tidur or tak cukup ruang nak melangkah. Tahu tak peer pressure? Bila diorang study, aku rasa aku kena study jugak but the problem is I'm not their type. Soooo, after a while, I'm used to it and bila time badan aku nak rest, aku tidur jelah, biarlah mereka nak study sampai pagi pun, aku jenis orang yang sayang diri sendiri tak sampai hati kalau badan tak cukup tidur sebab tak nak merana keesokannya.

But setiap orang ada method of study tersendiri, so ikutlah. I'm gonna stick with mine (whichever that is hahahahaha). Study study jugak, rohani pun nak makanan jugak. So, it's up to you la nak study cemana pun, but kalau boleh al-Quran jangan tinggal because Quran tu penguat kita. Baca al-Quran, kita akan ingat Allah dan in the same time, kita akan sedar yang bagi kekuatan dekat kita tu Allah, no matter our condition.

It's all about perspective✨

For me, bila aku baca Quran tu, memang, jadi penguat untuk aku. I know I'm not alone. InsyaAllah ada Allah dengan aku, so aku akan teruskan perjuangan sampailah Dia hadkan kemampuan aku. Betullah, bila baca Quran, ingat Allah, hati akan tenang, alhamdulillah. Even kalau kau jauh dari keluarga dan orang yang familiar, kau tetap ada Allah, KITA ada Dia.

Furthermore it's Ramadhan. Allahu... Peluang Allah bagi setahun sekali, hanya sebulan.

Aku kalau rasa penat sangat, tak tahan sangat belajar sehari-hari (because of the packed schedule), aku akan ingat satu kata-kata Imam Asy-Syafie ni, sebagai penguat tambahan aku;

"Bila kamu tak tahan lelahnya belajar, maka kamu akan menanggung peritnya kebodohan."

And indeed, it keeps me going.
Doa yang terbaik untuk aku dan sahabat-sahabat PASUM.


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