The late night breeze

Sprawling on the floor,
Trying to get a grip on Probability and stuffs,
Thinking ahead of time,
Listening to Yiruma's lullabies,
Reminiscing the good old times,
Longing for someone to hug this broken heart.

Daydreaming in the still of night,
Imagining the luxury of home,
Though miles away,
A smile forming along with
dreamy eyes staring at the white ceiling,
Wouldn't it be great to feel the coziness of something home-ish?

Half a smile,
The year ago went by,
Remembering one phrase that used to be meaningful;
"Only hate the road when you're missing home"
A full smile.

The longing feeling to go home is still here,
Lingering all the time,
Missing both parents and family,
But the road is brighter now,
With light shining all around,
And no,
The road is not hated.

The past,
Full of sunlight,
And they were good while they lasted,
But there can be no more,
The feelings gone,
The bond fading,
Along with darkness starting to crawl.

Breathing in deep,
Breathing out normally,
Remembering lessons from Biology,
The respiration part,
Smiling with sad little eyes,
Somehow proud to be able to learn.

Breathing in the late night breeze,
The wind caressing,
Crashing this light brown skin,
Eyes threatening to close,
Forgetting all the sorrows,
Trying to let go of the past,
And tomorrow a new day starts.



  1. WAH SEDAPNYE POEM NAZIRAH !! (*o*) wat banyok gi fiii xD


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